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District issues shooting permit for wolf

Wolves are under strict protection. There has recently been a dispute in court over the faster shooting of conspicuous animals. One district is now making a new attempt in one case.

The district of Aurich wants to have a strictly protected wolf shot. The authority cites a...
The district of Aurich wants to have a strictly protected wolf shot. The authority cites a "recurring problematic cracking behavior" as the reason for an exceptional permit

After cracks in the dike - District issues shooting permit for wolf

After multiple incidents of sheep and lambs causing damages to a dike in Ostfriesland, the Aurich District grants an exception permit for shooting a wolf. The district administration justifies the permit with "recurring problematic damaging behavior." Since mid-June, at this dike, there were three days of damages caused by a wolf, as confirmed by an expert.

The exact locations of the incidents were not disclosed by the district. It is also unclear if the same wolf was involved, who was last sighted on the island of Norderney, which belongs to the district. The district has no knowledge of this, it was stated.

The shooting of the carnivore should occur through a faster procedure, as the district administration announced. The wolf can be shot until July 21st.

The federal and state governments agreed on a faster wolf shooting procedure at the end of 2023. Previously, a DNA analysis had to be awaited after a wolf bite and only the wolf who had bitten the livestock was allowed to be shot. According to the new rule, under certain conditions, shootings are possible without determining the identity of the shot wolf. The land intended to apply this regulation for the first time in the Hanover region. However, several associations opposed this. The Administrative Court (OVG) in Lüneburg eventually stopped the permit.

The district has reviewed the OVG judgment on quick shooting procedures

Niedersachsen's Environmental Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) stated at the Wolf Dialog Forum on a Wednesday that damage predictions were necessary for justifying quick shootings.

The district administration informed dpa on inquiry that the OVG decision was "thoroughly considered" and relevant facts for the Aurich case were taken into account. "The recurring damaging behavior indicates further serious damages," the authority stated.

Apart from the economic damages for the affected dike farmer, the district sees the nutrient damages as also endangering the dike security. Sheep are essential for the coastline protection as they keep the grass cover of the dikes short and tread the ground firmly with their hooves.

The state of Niedersachsen also refuses to be dissuaded from allowing quick shootings by the OVG judgment. "Our goal is to make quick shootings possible again by the latest in the fall," said Meyer. In his opinion, a good conservation status of the wolf has been achieved in Niedersachsen, and the likelihood of hitting the correct wolf during quick shootings is higher than with the previous procedure.

  1. Despite the wolf being spotted on Norderney, the District of Aurich hasn't confirmed its involvement in the damaging incidents at the dike.
  2. The District of Aurich, located in Lower Saxony, has issued an exemption permit for shooting a wolf due to its problematic damaging behavior.
  3. The shooting of the wolf in Lower Saxony's District of Aurich will take place before July 21st, following a faster procedure announced by the district administration.
  4. Christian Meyer, Environmental Minister of Niedersachsen, emphasized the importance of damage predictions for justifying quick wolf shootings at a Wolf Dialog Forum.
  5. The Administrative Court (OVG) in Lüneburg halted a permit for quick wolf shootings in the Hanover region, due to opposition from several associations.
  6. Apart from economic damages to the dike farmer, the District of Aurich also worries about nutrient damages that could pose a threat to the dike's security, as sheep are vital for maintaining the grass cover and firm ground of the dike borders.

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