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Distressing audio log of triple murder

By chance, the criminal investigation department came across an unusual piece of evidence after the violent attack on three people. The gruesome event was recorded to the second.

A sign with the inscription "Defendant" is placed on the court bench.
A sign with the inscription "Defendant" is placed on the court bench.

Court case - Distressing audio log of triple murder

In the trial for the triple murder at a multi-family house in the Augsburg district, a distressing audio recording was played on Thursday. The four shots fired at the three people within only 16 seconds, screams, and the events before and after at the crime scene in Langweid am Lech were accidentally recorded by one of the victims. The man had probably activated a video recording by mistake and put his phone in his pants pocket. Although no image was visible, the police had this rare piece of evidence through it.

The defendant, a 65-year-old German, listened to the gruesome audio document largely emotionlessly during its playback, as he had done previously many times without reaction at the trial before the Augsburg Regional Court. The accused gunman, who legally possessed several weapons, claims a complete memory loss for the time period in question.

According to the indictment, he shot a 49 and 52-year-old married couple in the common stairwell with headshots, effectively executing them. Subsequently, he allegedly shot a 72-year-old neighbor through her apartment door with a shot to the head and injured two of her relatives in another house with gunshots through a door.

The wife of the accused met the victim's husband at the crime scene

On the audio recording, you can hear the neighbor going up the stairs to his apartment, opening the door, and then the first shot falls. According to investigations, the perpetrator killed the man unexpectedly from behind. The wife, who was only a few meters behind her partner, started screaming and was killed with two shots to the head shortly thereafter. The perpetrator then shot from one floor below at a neighboring apartment window level through the door. The 72-year-old, who was standing behind the door due to the gunshots, died within minutes.

After the perpetrator had fled, the wife of the accused came home a short time later, found the bodies, and met the neighbor who had called the police for help. "Oh God" and "I'll go crazy," the woman kept repeating in this situation. "What's your husband doing? Where did he get the gun?" the neighbor asked. The woman replied that her husband was indeed a gun owner.

Five more trial days are planned for the proceedings. The verdict could be announced at the end of July.

The police used the distressing audio recording as crucial evidence in the CID's investigation, conducted in the District of Augsburg. The cell phone, accidentally activated by one of the victims, had captured the sound of the entire incident at Langweid am Lech. The court case is being handled by the Augsburg Regional Court, where the defendant, a German resident from Bavaria, is currently on trial for the triple murder.

During the trial, it was revealed that the defendant, a 65-year-old man, had legally possessed several weapons. He claims to have no recollection of the events that led to the triple murder, including firing shots at the victims in the stairwell, through apartment doors, and at a neighboring window. The audio recording has become a central focus of the trial, with detailed analyses performed by experts to understand the sequence of events.

Even though the defendant remained largely emotionless during the playback of the audio recording, the distressing screams and shots fired have left a lasting impact on the court and the public. The evidence collected from the scene, along with the audio recording, is expected to shape the outcome of the court case, which may result in a conviction in the coming months.

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