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Disposing of razor blades - here's how

Just don't throw them away

Even blunt razor blades can still be
Even blunt razor blades can still be

Disposing of razor blades - here's how

Many people simply throw used razor blades, razor heads or disposable razors in the household waste, some in the yellow garbage can. Both are wrong, as the blades must be disposed of separately.

Shaving in one way or another with a blade is far from being outdated. On the contrary, even men who shave their face electrically are increasingly using wet razors for their chest, legs, arms or intimate areas. Consumption is quite high. According to Stiftung Warentest, disposable razors for men with heavy beard growth only last 5 to 9 uses, interchangeable heads a maximum of 18. The foundation did not test plastic-free and therefore particularly environmentally friendly razor blades. Market leader Wilkinson claims at least 12 shaves to the blunt end.

One thing is certain: sooner or later, every blade has to be disposed of bluntly. Many people don't give much thought to how this should be done and simply throw them in the garbage can. Some want to do it right by putting blunt blades in the yellow garbage can or the yellow bag. In both cases, they are wrong. Used razor blades are neither normal household waste nor are they considered recyclable in normal quantities.

Why they are not a case for the yellow garbage can or bag is not entirely clear at first. It is often simply said that they are hygiene products, which generally have no place there. However, this actually only refers to soiled packaging; completely emptied packaging is allowed in the yellow garbage can or bag.

Large quantities of recyclable material

Berlin Recycling sheds some light on this. "In principle, old blades can be recycled. They are made of hardened steel or stainless steel," it says. However, Berlin's waste disposal companies only want to accept large quantities, specifically naming hairdressing salons as a source. And blades should still not end up in the yellow garbage can, but at the recycling center.

The metal should also be disposed of without plastic. Disposable razors and appliances with interchangeable heads are therefore out of the running. Under no circumstances should you try to separate steel and plastic yourself. Even blades that pull unpleasantly when shaving are still razor-sharp.

Unpacked too dangerous

This is also the main reason why cleaned slicer blades without any trace of plastic do not belong in the yellow garbage can or yellow bag. The fact that they can cut open bin liners and make a big mess is the least of the problems. Above all, they pose a great danger to waste disposal company employees. People searching through waste out of necessity can also cut themselves.

For the same reasons, used blades should not simply be disposed of in household waste. At the very least, they should be wrapped in paper beforehand. It is better to collect them in a jar with a screw-on lid or a sealable container. Some manufacturers offer containers, and you can often use the packaging from the blades.

To ensure that children do not open them, place the containers out of their reach, just like toxic cleaning products. Labeling can also help to avoid dangerous misunderstandings.

Longer use means more sustainable use

Avoiding waste is even better than recycling it. This is why safety razors are not only much prettier objects than system razors, but also much more sustainable. It is also doubtful that the plastic competition with multiple blades, glide strips and articulated heads is supposed to work more thoroughly. Anyone who has ever used a razor will not necessarily agree with this. In any case, it is not more tolerable when several blades scrape the skin instead of just one. On the contrary: system shavers can cause irritation more easily.

Longer use also improves sustainability. There should be a trick for both planers and razors. To re-sharpen blunt blades, you should drag them dry over an old pair of jeans 15 to 20 times against the usual shaving direction.

Blades should be thoroughly cleaned with hot water after shaving so that they dull more slowly. With planes, this is particularly easy if you loosen the blade a little. As when changing blades, you should only touch them and the holder at the sides! The razors should then be left to dry upside down. A little baby oil, carefully applied, can also do no harm.


