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Discussions about another term of office? - Bach: Not staged

IOC President Thomas Bach at the "Stuttgarter Sportgespräch"
IOC President Thomas Bach at the "Stuttgarter Sportgespräch"

Discussions about another term of office? - Bach: Not staged

The move by several members of the International Olympic Committee to allow Thomas Bach a further term in office as IOC President by amending the statutes was not orchestrated. Bach emphasized this on Monday evening at the Stuttgart Sports Talk. "It's typical that people are insinuating that this was orchestrated. That's what I find unacceptable, that people are judging it that way without knowing," said the 69-year-old.

Normally, a further term of office for Bach beyond the end of twelve years stipulated in the Olympic Charter is ruled out. However, at the recent session in Mumbai, several IOC members expressed their wish for the German to remain beyond 2025. Bach had not ruled out staying on, but at the same time assured that he was loyal to the Olympic Charter.

According to Bach, two different arguments are being considered. "One argument is that a certain election campaign has already begun by some members in Tokyo. That the majority of members found this disruptive. They don't want all important decisions to be influenced by candidacies," explained the 1976 Olympic fencing champion, adding: "The others say that we are living in such turbulent times that it is difficult to change the team now. You need a certain continuity here to be able to survive. That is the basis on which we advise."


