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Discussion on Reducing Work Hours Labeled "Utterly Absurd"

Arndt Kirchhoff, head of the North Rhine-Westphalia employers' organization, views the ongoing discussion about shorter work hours as "ludicrous." According to President Kirchhoff of Unternehmer NRW, writing in an op-ed for the "Rheinische Post" (Wednesday edition), we must get accustomed to...

Arndt Kirchhoff, President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Federation of Business Associations,...
Arndt Kirchhoff, President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Federation of Business Associations, speaks at the North Rhine-Westphalia Entrepreneurs' Day.

Business Owner Leader - Discussion on Reducing Work Hours Labeled "Utterly Absurd"

At the same time, Kirchhoff voices his disapproval of politics, both present and past. He points out that the nation is in a poor constitutional condition. The current administration lacks a well-thought-out plan. He laments, for instance, the absence of ideas to boost Germany's competitiveness or strategies for ensuring an affordable energy supply.

For a long time, there has been insufficient investment in the country's future. "As the welfare state grew bigger, politics made significant cuts in preventive maintenance," notes Kirchhoff. Transportation networks and public infrastructure such as schools are "increasingly in a poor state," burdensome bureaucracy hampers progress in the country, and digitalization of the government is advancing at a snail's pace.

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