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Disaster alert withdrawn in Pfaffenhofen area

Pfaffenhofen district lifts flood-related emergency: District Administrator Albert Gürtner (Free Voters) announced the end of the state of emergency on Sunday night, as reported by the district office in Pfaffenhofen am Fluss Ilm. Water levels are decreasing, and the situation has become more...

Aerial photos show the Ilm river having burst its banks. (Aerial photo taken with a drone).
Aerial photos show the Ilm river having burst its banks. (Aerial photo taken with a drone).

Overflow of water. - Disaster alert withdrawn in Pfaffenhofen area

The district administration revealed in a statement that fire departments, Technical Relief, medical services, and other organizations are still busy at work. "Behind us is a difficult week where vast amounts of effort were displayed by the rescue personnel," read the quote from Gürtner. Approximately 10,000 emergency responders combatted the enormous water masses.

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