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Disability commissioner: Enforce employment quotas

Saxony-Anhalt's Commissioner for the Disabled, Christian Walbrach, has called for more participation of disabled people in the labor market. Among other things, employment quotas for people with disabilities must be enforced, said Walbrach on International Day of Persons with Disabilities on...

Labor market - Disability commissioner: Enforce employment quotas

Saxony-Anhalt's Commissioner for the Disabled, Christian Walbrach, has called for more participation of disabled people in the labor market. Among other things, employment quotas for people with disabilities must be enforced, said Walbrach on International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3. The inclusive labor market must be further developed. "In Germany, we are still excluding too many people in the areas of work, school and housing." In August, however, an audit on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also confirmed many positive aspects for Germany, including the initiative for accessibility and the removal of restrictions on voting rights.

Press release Ministry of Social Affairs

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In light of the discussion on employment quotas for people with disabilities in the labor market, it's worth noting that Germany as a whole still has areas where exclusion persists, such as work, school, and housing. Overlooking these issues is a concern for Saxony-Anhalt's Disability Commissioner, Christian Walbrach, who emphasized the need for further development in an inclusive labor market in Saxony-Anhalt.


