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Diocese changes statutes: no AfD members on committees

In spring, the Bishops' Conference surprised everyone with a more than clear statement on the AfD. Now the diocese of Magdeburg has drawn the necessary conclusions.

At its spring plenary session, the German Bishops' Conference declared that the AfD was "not...
At its spring plenary session, the German Bishops' Conference declared that the AfD was "not electable" for Christians. (archive image)

Magdeburg - Diocese changes statutes: no AfD members on committees

The Diocese of Magdeburg has adjusted its guidelines in accordance with a declaration of the German Bishops' Conference on the incompatibility of Christianity and racial nationalism. Therefore, members of the AfD cannot work in ecclesiastical bodies.

"We have now found a clear, politically adaptive regulation," says General Vicar Bernhard Scholz in a statement. "This does not mean that we exclude people from the churches or pastoral care." Discussions will continue, and the changes specifically concern the work in ecclesiastical bodies.

Constitution and election regulations adjusted

Concretely, the Diocese of Magdeburg adjusted its parish council statutes and election regulations for ecclesiastical bodies as of July 1. Members can be excluded who make "public statements against human dignity, especially racial-nationalist, racist, antisemitic, antidemocratic positions or group-based hatred."

Exclusion of AfD members possible

According to the adjustments, members can also be excluded who take on offices and other tasks in or for parties and organizations that represent such attitudes and positions or are classified as extremist by the responsible state authorities in the diocese. The AfD Landesverband in Sachsen-Anhalt was classified as reliably right-wing extremist by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the fall of 2023.

Candidates for bodies must now give a declaration

According to the adjustments, candidates who apply for a body must now give a declaration. This is intended to enable them to demonstrate their knowledge of the incompatibility criteria. Catholic parish elections in Saxony-Anhalt are taking place on November 16 and 17.

Bishops' Conference: AfD not electable for Christians

In February, the German Bishops' Conference unanimously passed a declaration stating that racial nationalism is incompatible with the Christian faith. In it, the bishops write that such parties are "not electable" for Christians and Christian women.

The new guidelines in Magdeburg Diocese align with the Bishops' Conference's stance, declaring that AfD membership is incompatible with ecclesiastical roles.The adjustments include modifying the parish council bylaws and election regulations for church bodies, effective from July 1.The updated guidelines allow for exclusion of members who make public statements against human dignity, including racial-nationalist, racist, antisemitic, or antidemocratic views.Furthermore, individuals affiliated with parties or organizations deemed extremist by the diocese's state authorities may also be barred from church bodies.In line with these changes, candidates for church bodies are now required to submit a declaration affirming their awareness of the incompatibility criteria.

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