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Diocese asks for help in uncovering abuses

Falls of sexualized violence are also affecting the Diocese of Erfurt. A commission hopes for tips regarding incidents in the 70s. There could be numerous victims.

In the Catholic Youth House Marcel Callo in Heilbad Heiligenstadt, a speaker is reported to have...
In the Catholic Youth House Marcel Callo in Heilbad Heiligenstadt, a speaker is reported to have interacted with youths several decades ago. Now, the Erfurt Diocese is asking for help with clarification.

Sexual Violence - Diocese asks for help in uncovering abuses

For the clarification of sexual assaults that date back several decades in the Eichsfeld region, the Diocese of Erfurt is asking for support. People who can contribute to shedding light on the matter are asked to contact the independent representatives of the Diocese, it was stated.

Allegations against deceased speakers

Specifically, it concerns a deceased speaker for youth work who is said to have committed sexual assaults in the late 1970s at the Catholic Youth House Marcel Callo in Heilbad Heiligenstadt. It is suspected that numerous young people were affected, according to the Diocese. Some of the victims have already reported.

An independent commission is dealing with cases

The Diocese has established an independent commission for the processing of sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults in the ecclesiastical context. Members of the commission include individuals who themselves have been victims of sexual violence.

The current number of known cases of abuse within the Diocese could not be named by the spokesperson at first. In March 2021, the Diocese reported on at least 54 victims. At that time, 20 priests and 21 church employees were suspected. However, it was already assumed at that time that more victims would come forward.

The Diocese of Erfurt's request for support in addressing historical sexual assault allegations extends beyond Eichsfeld, as the suspected perpetrator worked in Thuringia's Catholic Youth House Marcel Callo in Heilbad Heiligenstadt. The overreach of the accused's actions during the late 1970s is under investigation, with several young people believed to have been affected.

The establishment of an independent commission within the Diocese of Erfurt is a significant step towards addressing the issue of sexual violence within the Church, with members of the commission being individuals who have personally experienced such harm.

Despite the assistance of the independent commission, the Diocese of Erfurt has yet to disclose the current number of known cases of abuse within its boundaries, indicating that the scope of this issue may still be expanding.

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