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Digital education platform to be rolled out in early 2024

The state government wants teachers and pupils to be able to use the digital education platform "Schule@BW" from next year. The portal will be rolled out to schools from the beginning of 2024, said Sandra Boser (Greens), the responsible State Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Cultural...

A presentation entitled "Schule@BW".
A presentation entitled "Schule@BW".

Schools - Digital education platform to be rolled out in early 2024

The state government wants teachers and pupils to be able to use the digital education platform "Schule@BW" from next year. The portal will be rolled out to schools from the beginning of 2024, said Sandra Boser (Greens), the responsible State Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, in Stuttgart on Tuesday. The platform will bring together learning management systems such as Moodle or Itslearning, the messaging service Threema and a digital workplace for teachers. Use of the platform is voluntary for schools.

However, the digital workplace for teachers will not yet be integrated into the platform. Among other things, teachers will be able to access a standardized state-wide email address there. "We are in the process of finalizing the contractual arrangements," said Boser. Once these have been concluded, the digital workplace can also be rolled out.

The creation of a digital education platform has been dragging on for many years. In 2015, the green-red state government decided to provide a digital platform called "ella". Shortly before the launch in February 2018, the introduction was first postponed due to serious technical deficiencies and later stopped completely.

The new platform is part of a strategy with which the state intends to digitize schools. In addition, school administrators and teachers are to learn more digital skills in training courses and the topic is to be given greater importance in the education plans. As an example, Boser cited a project in which children are to be familiarized with robotics in a playful way at elementary school.

Information from the Ministry of Culture on the digital education platform Digitalization strategy for schools

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The state government in Baden-Württemberg, specifically the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, is responsible for the implementation of the "Schule@BW" digital education platform. This platform, set to be available to schools in early 2024, will incorporate learning management systems and the secure messenger service Threema. The participation of schools in using this platform is voluntary.

Despite the progress made with the digital education platform, the integration of the digital workplace for teachers is still pending. Once the contractual arrangements are finalized, this digital workplace can also be rolled out, offering teachers access to a standardized state-wide email address.

The idea of a digital education platform has been around for some time. In 2015, the green-red state government initiated a project called "ella", but technical issues led to delays and eventually its cancellation.

This new platform forms part of a broader strategy aimed at digitizing schools in Baden-Württemberg. In addition to this, teachers and school administrators will be offered digital skills training, and the topic of digitization will be given increased importance in education plans.

The Ministry of Culture in Baden-Württemberg is working on a digitalization strategy for schools, which aims to modernize and improve the educational experience through digital tools.


