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Diesel scandal costs insurers 1.52 billion euros

The dispute over manipulated emissions values has so far cost German legal expenses insurance companies 1.52 billion euros. By the end of October, almost 426,000 customers had taken out insurance to assert claims against the manufacturer, as reported by the German Insurance Association (GDV) in...

Exhaust fumes coming out of the tailpipe of a Volkswagen Tiguan.
Exhaust fumes coming out of the tailpipe of a Volkswagen Tiguan.

Exhaust values - Diesel scandal costs insurers 1.52 billion euros

The dispute over manipulated emissions values has so far cost German legal expenses insurers 1.52 billion euros. By the end of October, almost 426,000 customers had taken out insurance to assert claims against the manufacturer, as reported by the German Insurance Association (GDV) in Berlin on Tuesday. With the costs for lawyers, court and expert costs, it is now the most expensive claim in the history of German legal expenses insurers, the GDV summarized.

However, almost half of the claims were ultimately unsuccessful, according to the association after evaluating almost 81,000 cases. Only every tenth case (10.4 percent) was fully successful, while 42.1 percent were at least partially successful. In contrast, 47.5 percent of lawsuits failed. The average amount in dispute was a good 25,000 euros.

The diesel scandal came to light in the fall of 2015 after manipulations in emissions measurements on VW diesel engines were uncovered in the USA. Other manufacturers were also affected.

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