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Die Linke: Enormous wave of new members since Wagenknecht split

Since the split of Sahra Wagenknecht's camp, Die Linke has experienced an unprecedented wave of new members, according to its Hamburg state association. More than 2,000 people have joined the party nationwide, and the 100th new member in just six weeks was welcomed in Hamburg on Monday. Many...

The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party conference.
The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party conference.

Parties - Die Linke: Enormous wave of new members since Wagenknecht split

Since the split of Sahra Wagenknecht 's camp, Die Linke has experienced an unprecedented wave of new members, according to its Hamburg state association. More than 2,000 people have joined the party nationwide, and the 100th new member in just six weeks was welcomed in Hamburg on Monday. Many new members had taken this step with reference to the separation from Wagenknecht. By Wednesday, 114 new members had joined and 65 had left the party, a party spokesperson said. Some people who had left Die Linke in the past because of Wagenknecht had also rejoined.

The member of the Bundestag announced her resignation from Die Linke on October 23 and the founding of the association "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - For Reason and Justice". She intends to run in the European elections next June with her own party. Zaklin Nastic, a member of the Hamburg Bundestag, and Metin Kaya, a member of the city parliament - both supporters of Wagenknecht - also resigned from the party.

"The dead live longer!" said Sabine Ritter, co-state spokesperson for the Hamburg Left Party. Her colleague Thomas Iwan explained: "We have now clarified what we stand for and are therefore once again attractive to new members who want to fight with us for better policies."

The Left Party Hamburg

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