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Diaper allowance and welcome pack: start-up help for parents

New parents quickly learn the term "diaper money". What little help is available in Brandenburg when the baby arrives?

Cloth diapers lie on a changing
Cloth diapers lie on a changing

Diaper allowance and welcome pack: start-up help for parents

Babies need lots of diapers - and they are often expensive. In Brandenburg, support with a "diaper allowance" is not widespread. What support is available for new parents? A selection:

- The town of Beelitz (Potsdam-Mittelmark) pays parents who decide to buy reusable diapers up to 50 percent of the cost of the initial equipment, up to a maximum of 100 euros. The offer was introduced in 2021. According to the information provided, reusable diapers are not only more environmentally friendly, but also save money. The cost of regular cleaning is a fifth of the cost of buying disposable diapers, it said. This form of "diaper money", which is intended to reward environmentally friendly behavior, is particularly widespread in southern Germany.

- There is also a similar incentive in the state capital of Potsdam. Parents who opt for cloth diapers instead of disposable products receive a subsidy of 75 euros per calendar year, the city announced on request. In addition, a pair of woolen overpants worth 20 euros is given for each year of the child's life. Payment is made for a maximum of three years for children of diaper age up to the age of three.

However, the application is subject to several conditions. For example, it must be submitted together with the invoice for the purchase of cloth diapers or the provider contract of a diaper service, as well as a bank statement as proof of payment and a photo of the purchased cloth diapers.

- According to the town of Prenzlau (Uckermark), parents of all newborns receive a congratulatory card with a city voucher worth 50 euros. They can redeem this voucher in numerous stores in Prenzlau - so it is not tied to the purchase of diapers. In addition, there is an enclosed greeting from the "Netzwerk Gesunde Kinder". In future, this will include a voucher for a first aid course for infants and babies.

A small welcome package

- Young parents will also receive a small welcome package from Brandenburg an der Havel University Hospital. The delivery room team offers parents the choice between a baby sleeping bag or a baby blanket, as well as a self-knitted hat for the little ones, said a hospital spokesperson. When patients are discharged from the maternity ward, they usually receive a small starter pack of hygiene products. It usually consists of a sample pack of diapers and wet wipes. The contents of the starter packs vary depending on the availability of hygiene products.

- Support for new parents also comes from the German Police Union in Brandenburg, where members receive 50 euros "diaper money" per child. The prerequisites are at least one year's membership and application within the first year of life by presenting the birth certificate.

  1. In some regions, like southern Germany, there's a trend of providing "diaper money" as an incentive for parents who use reusable diapers, saving both the environment and their budget, as the cost of cleaning is significantly lower than buying disposable diapers.
  2. The German Police Union in Brandenburg offers a financial support of 50 euros, often referred to as "diaper money", to its members who become parents, providing they meet the requirement of at least one year's membership and apply within the first year of their child's life with the birth certificate.




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