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DGB training report: Gaps in digitalization

Three quarters of the trainees surveyed by DGB Bayern are satisfied with their training. However, many still see room for improvement when it comes to digitalization. According to the DGB Youth Training Report published on Wednesday, half of the trainees feel well or very well prepared for...

A LAN cable lies on a laptop.
A LAN cable lies on a laptop.

Vocational schools - DGB training report: Gaps in digitalization

Three quarters of the trainees surveyed by DGB Bayern are satisfied with their training. However, many still see room for improvement when it comes to digitalization. According to the DGB Youth Training Report published on Wednesday, half of the trainees feel well or very well prepared for digitalization in the workplace. Only eight percent consider digital training in the company to be inadequate. The situation is worse at vocational school: 35% give it good or very good marks for preparation for digital technology and media, while 18% consider it to be inadequate.

District Youth Secretary Anna Gmeiner said that the differences between individual schools were enormous. However, good digital equipment should not fail because of money or a lack of knowledge or interest on the part of school principals and teachers.

The DGB surveyed almost 1,400 apprentices between September 2022 and spring 2023 for the training report. One result: "73% of those surveyed are satisfied with their apprenticeship." The best marks were given to prospective electronics technicians, mechatronics technicians, industrial mechanics, industrial clerks, concrete workers and gardeners.

In Bavaria, more than 100,000 training places were available for 59,000 applicants this year. Apprenticeships for cooks, retail salespeople, sales assistants and warehouse clerks in particular remained unfilled, said DGB state chairman Bernhard Stiedl. "Poor training conditions, lots of overtime, little appreciation. Nobody should be surprised that these apprenticeships are not in demand," said the trade unionist. Every young person has the right to training and a secure and good job.

Read also:

  1. Despite being largely satisfied with their vocational school training, many youths in Munich believe there's a need for improvement in digitalization, as highlighted in the DGB's recent training report on digitization.
  2. The DGB Youth Training Report revealed that while half of the trainees in Bavaria feel adequately prepared for digitalization in the workplace, only 35% of vocational school trainees rate their preparation for digital technology and media positively.
  3. In the context of digitization, vocational schools in Bavaria need to improve their offerings to better prepare their students for the labor market, according to DGB's analysis in their training report on digitalization.
  4. The DGB's survey for the training report showed that despite satisfying apprenticeship experiences, vocational schools in Bavaria need to enhance their digital capabilities to better prepare young people for the digitized labor market.
  5. In light of the DGB's report on gaps in digitization in vocational schools, policymakers in Munich and Bavaria should consider investing in digital resources and education to boost digital skills among their youth and better prepare them for the evolving labor market.


