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DGB: End of price brakes brings additional uncertainty

Federal Finance Minister Lindner has announced the expiry of the state gas and electricity price brakes at the end of the year. This has met with criticism from the DGB, which points out the need for price stabilization.

"Letting the price brakes expire before winter will cause additional uncertainty": Yasmin
"Letting the price brakes expire before winter will cause additional uncertainty": Yasmin

DGB: End of price brakes brings additional uncertainty

The planned end of the energy price brakes for electricity and gas at the end of the year has met with rejection from the trade unions. "It remains necessary to stabilize energy prices," Yasmin Fahimi, Chairwoman of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), told the German Press Agency.

"The DGB is therefore calling in particular for the extension and modification of the electricity price brake in order to provide households, social services, trade and industry with affordable electricity," said Fahimi.

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) announced on Friday that the state gas and electricity price brakes will expire at the end of the year and not at the end of March. The background to this is the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on November 15, which means that the government is now missing out on billions.

"Letting the price brakes expire before winter will cause additional uncertainty," said Fahimi. "But exactly the opposite is needed."

The trade unionist spoke of the negative effects of the debt brake. It severely limits the state's scope for debt by law. "Continuing to adhere to it now puts social cohesion and the business location at risk," warned Fahimi.

  1. The planned expiration of the gas and electricity price brakes at the end of the year, as announced by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, may lead to additional uncertainty for consumers, according to Yasmin Fahimi, Chairwoman of the DGB.
  2. Despite the expiration of the price brakes, Yasmin Fahimi urges for the extension and modification of the electricity price brake to keep electricity affordable for households, social services, trade, and industry.
  3. Yasmin Fahimi criticizes the debt brake, which restricts the state's debt by law, arguing that adhering to it now puts social cohesion and the business location at risk.
  4. In response to the rising gas and electricity prices, Yasmin Fahimi of DGB calls for effective measures from the government to protect consumers and ensure a stable energy market, just like Yasmin Fahimi, the Chairwoman of DGB, has been advocating for.


