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Deutsches Theater brings "Sun and Concrete" into the classroom

Intendant Iris Laufenberg's second season at the theater starts at the end of September. In addition to Felix Lobrecht's bestselling novel "Sun and Concrete", a play about Hannah Arendt is also on the program.

Iris Laufenberg, director of the Deutsches Theater, stands in front of the press conference at the...
Iris Laufenberg, director of the Deutsches Theater, stands in front of the press conference at the Deutsches Theater.

Culture - Deutsches Theater brings "Sun and Concrete" into the classroom

The Intendant of the German Theater in Berlin, Iris Laufenberg, has given an outlook on her second season at the house. The goal is to "win the hearts of the audience in a city like Berlin, which gives us so many offers", said Laufenberg on Tuesday at the presentation of the first half of the 2024/25 season from September to December. In the program, there is a mobile premiere of the novel "Sonne und Beton" by Felix Lobrecht.

The 2023 filmed story, with which Lobrecht became a bestseller, is about four boys growing up in the Neukölln Gropiusstadt. The production is planned to start touring Berlin from early October and be shown in classrooms or youth centers. In November, there is also planned the premiere of "Die drei Leben von Hannah Arendt" about the German-American publisher (1906-1975), inspired by the Graphic Novel "The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt. A Tyranny of Truth". The season will be opened on September 26 with the piece "Das Schiff der Träume (sails right by)" in a production by Claudia Bauer. With Laufenberg, a woman took over the leadership of the German Theater, which was founded in 1883 for the first time last year. It was "a year of getting to know each other", said the Intendant. The advance sales for the September and October dates will start on July 10.

Website of the German Theater [The text includes the markdown formatting for the link to the German Theater's website.]

  1. The mobile premiere of "Sonne und Beton" by Felix Lobrecht, which is about four boys growing up in Neukölln Gropiusstadt, will tour Berlin classrooms and youth centers starting from early October.
  2. Die drei Leben von Hannah Arendt, inspired by the Graphic Novel "The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt," is planned for premiere in November at the German Theater in Berlin.
  3. The German Theater in Berlin, under the leadership of Iris Laufenberg, will open the 2024/25 season on September 26 with "Das Schiff der Träume (sails right by)" in a production by Claudia Bauer, marking a year since a woman took over the leadership of the theater, which was founded in 1883.

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