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Deutsche Bank: Longer processing of Postbank problems

Deutsche Bank is taking longer than promised to work through the problems at Postbank. Some customers will have to wait until next year. However, the bank wants to make it easier for customers to receive compensation in certain cases.

The Deutsche bank logo.
The Deutsche bank logo.

Finances - Deutsche Bank: Longer processing of Postbank problems

Deutsche Bank will not get all the problems at Postbank under control by the end of the year as promised. "We have made a lot of progress in working through the backlog of customer inquiries since the summer - also thanks to more than 800 additional employees for these tasks," said a Deutsche Bank spokesperson on Wednesday in response to an inquiry. "The processing of the remaining backlogs is complex and takes more time in some cases. We will therefore finalize some of these cases at the beginning of 2024." "Handelsblatt" had previously reported on this.

In the current year, complaints from Postbank customers had increased, particularly in connection with an IT changeover in which twelve million Postbank customers were merged with seven million Deutsche Bank customers in Germany on a common platform in several waves. Postbank customers complained, for example, that they were unable to access their accounts at times, accounts were blocked or direct debits were no longer honored. Customer service was difficult to reach or unable to solve problems.

Trouble with seizure protection accounts

There was also trouble with seizure protection accounts, in which people in debt can protect a certain balance from seizure so that they have money available for rent and electricity, food and medication, for example.

At the beginning of September, the financial supervisory authority Bafin ran out of patience: Since the turn of the year 2022/2023, "considerable impairments in the processing of customer business at Postbank" have been observed, the authority reprimanded and called on the bank to "remedy the restrictions in customer service as quickly as possible". Since then, a special representative of Bafin has been monitoring progress.

Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing publicly apologized shortly afterwards and promised that the problems at Postbank, which is part of the Group, would be resolved by the end of the year: "Overall, this is a situation for which we can only apologize." The bank had not lived up to its responsibilities and had greatly disappointed customers.

Customers can apply for compensation online

At least some Postbank customers should now be able to obtain compensation more easily, as the bank announced: since 8 a.m. on Wednesday, customers who were affected by delays in garnishment requests can apply for up to 1000 euros in compensation online via the Postbank website. The damage must have been caused by delayed processing in connection with a garnishment, insolvency or when setting up or deregistering a garnishment protection account. Customers must provide evidence, such as reminder costs or interest on arrears, to prove that they have suffered damage.

"The process is digital, so Postbank customers do not have to visit a branch to assert their claims," explained the Deutsche Bank spokesperson. "Once the claims have been submitted, justified claims for compensation are usually reimbursed by the end of the following month."

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