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Deutsche Bank extends protection against dismissal for Postbank

Deutsche Bank wants to significantly thin out the branch network at Postbank, which belongs to the Group. This is causing unrest among the workforce. Now the trade unions and the bank are coming closer together.

A woman inserts her debit card into an ATM.
A woman inserts her debit card into an ATM.

Employment - Deutsche Bank extends protection against dismissal for Postbank

In the conflict over the restructuring of its Private Clients Bank and the closure of Postbank branches, Deutsche Bank intends to refrain from compulsory redundancies until the end of September. "In the spirit of constructive talks, Deutsche Bank will extend the exclusion of compulsory redundancies for employees covered by collective wage agreements in the Private Clients Bank in Germany until September 30, 2024," the bank announced on Thursday in response to an inquiry.

Verdi and the Deutsche Bank Employees' Association (DBV) agreed with Deutsche Bank to negotiate a future package from January. According to the union, the talks are to be concluded by the end of March.

Deutsche Bank, to which Postbank belongs, announced at the end of October that it would close up to 250 of the 550 Postbank branches by mid-2026. There was "no way around" job cuts, said Claudio de Sanctis, Head of Private Customers. Verdi called on employees to protest several times. The unions also demanded an extension of the protection against dismissal, which would have originally expired at the end of January 2024.

"The agreement that has now been reached and the commitment to protection against dismissal are an important signal to the employees of the retail bank in Germany and a good basis for the upcoming negotiations," said Verdi negotiator Jan Duscheck. "Our focus is on job security and long-term prospects for the employees of the retail bank of both brands - Deutsche Bank and Postbank." DBV Federal Chairman Stephan Szukalski also welcomed the agreement.

Verdi is also demanding a 15.5 percent pay rise for the approximately 12,000 employees in the Deutsche Bank Group with a Postbank collective agreement, but at least an increase in salaries of 600 euros and an increase in training allowances of 250 euros.

Verdi on Postbank Verdi on branch closures Postbank 6.11.2023 Verdi on branch closures Postbank 13.11.2023 DBV press release Verdi press release

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