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Despite the protests, more and more hotel guests in Spain

The excesses of mass tourism are causing more and more problems and protests in Spain.Visitor numbers continue to rise rapidly despite increasing hotel room prices.

Spain registered a record number of hotel overnight stays in the first half of the year
Spain registered a record number of hotel overnight stays in the first half of the year

Record overnight stays - Despite the protests, more and more hotel guests in Spain

Spain recorded a record number of hotel overnight stays in the first half of 2024, despite a significant increase in room prices. The number of overnight stays between January 1st and June 30th increased by 7.5% compared to the previous year, reaching 160.6 million, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE). The average room price in June 2024 was around 8% higher than in the previous month. Hotels made an average revenue of approximately 122 Euros per occupied room in June.

Visitor numbers in Spain had been growing rapidly for many years before the Corona pandemic caused a pause. However, a new record is being chased again since 2022. For the new record-breaking overnight stays, foreign guests were primarily responsible for an increase of 11.2%. The number of overnight stays by domestic customers, on the other hand, increased only by 0.9% in the first half of the year.

The INE recently reported an increase of 13.6% in foreign visitor numbers for the first five months of the year, reaching over 33.2 million. Germans ranked second with around 4.4 million, behind the British (around 6.3 million), and almost on par with the French in third place.

The popular holiday destination has recently been in the headlines due to the increasingly frequent demonstrations against mass tourism. Thousands took to the streets on Mallorca on Sunday to protest against excesses. The regional government promised "bold measures" to address the various problems, for which mass tourism is held responsible. No details were provided in Palma. The frustration is also growing in other popular tourist destinations in Spain such as Barcelona, Málaga, or the Canaries. Above all, the housing shortage, but also traffic jams, noise, and dirt are causing irritation among the locals.

  1. Despite the record-breaking hotel overnight stays in Spain, there have been demonstrations against mass tourism, particularly in popular destinations such as Madrid and Mallorca.
  2. The surge in foreign tourist visits to Spain, which contributed significantly to the record number of hotel stays, also led to an increase in the average room price in the hospitality industry.
  3. As a result of the rising room prices, many travelers are seeking affordable accommodation options for their Madrid hotel stay, looking for deals to keep their Tourism costs within budget.
  4. The rise in overnight stays and room prices has sparked discussions in Spanish society about the impact of Tourism on the economy and the quality of life in local communities.
  5. Hotels in Spain are also dealing with the challenge of meeting the demand for accommodation during peak tourism seasons while managing the societal concerns related to the impact of the Hospitality industry on local communities.

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