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Despite criticism, the expansion of the southern expressway proceeds.

Traffic congestion occurs on Hanover's expressway due to the need to demolish deteriorated bridges. The road construction department updates the public on the upcoming phases of this vast undertaking.

An area below the Südschnellweg (federal highway 3) has been cleared. Numerous trees have already...
An area below the Südschnellweg (federal highway 3) has been cleared. Numerous trees have already had to be felled for the expansion of the Südschnellweg - one of the expressways around the city center.

Vehicular Flow Or: Road Movement Or: Cars in Motion - Despite criticism, the expansion of the southern expressway proceeds.

The construction of the South Fast Lane expansion in Hanover, one of the largest traffic projects in Lower Saxony, is advancing. The Strabag AG in Cologne has received the contract for a new Leine and Leine flood bridge, as announced by the Hanover Lower Saxony Road and Transport Authority on Monday. The project is estimated to cost around 70 million euros and is expected to be completed by 2031.

Environmental activists and nature lovers have been protesting against this mega-project for years. Many trees in the Leine floodplain have already been cut down for the expansion. At the beginning of 2024, a protest camp set up by opponents of the project was cleared.

Right now, the construction site is being prepared and underground checks are being done to ensure no explosives are present. In the third quarter of this year, work on the two bridges is expected to start.

Firstly, a two-lane road will be built to the south of the existing bridges. Once this road is completed, traffic will be diverted to the southern half of the bridges, while the northern half is demolished and built in its place.

According to the Road Authority, the new bridges will enhance flood protection. Animals will also find it easier to cross the Leine River between the two sides. In this area, for instance, beavers reside. For the first time, ecological considerations were factored into the assessments of the bids, it was reported.

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