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Despite a partial decrease in water levels, the flood situation remains tense.

Although there's been a decrease in water levels, the flood situation remains critical, especially in Bavaria. In Passau, the highest levels of the Danube and Inn rivers were surpassed on Tuesday night, but they've been gradually dropping since then. Large sections of the city center are still...

Flooded streets in Passau
Flooded streets in Passau

Despite a partial decrease in water levels, the flood situation remains tense.

The Bavarian State Environment Agency's flood control center shares that the situation on the Danube remains critical. The water levels between Donauwörth and Passau are stated to be higher than the warning level four, posing a threat of flooding in populated areas. The peaks of flood are prolonged, and the water is moving slowly in various spots. Reports from the agency also indicate a decrease in water levels on the Danube's tributaries, like the Isar.

Heavy and continuous rainfall was experienced in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg during the past few days, causing flooding in numerous locations. Regrettably, five people have perished. There's also an undetermined number of missing individuals. In Swabia's Neu-Ulm, a 32-year-old woman was saved on Tuesday who had been trapped in a tree for more than two days.

Baden-Württemberg's flood control center stated relaxation and dropping water levels on Wednesday morning. Nevertheless, the Upper Rhine at the Speyer gauge shows a slightly increasing pattern.

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