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Desire to have children: more funding for treatment

The queer community is also explicitly included in the new funding program. The minister speaks of an important signal for trans and intersex people.

Unwanted childless couples receive support through the "Assisted Reproduction" program.
Unwanted childless couples receive support through the "Assisted Reproduction" program.

Family planning - Desire to have children: more funding for treatment

Rhineland-Palatinate expands funding for treatment of infertility in children's desire. From now on, couples with residence in Rhineland-Palatinate can also claim treatment institutions in one of the neighboring federal states, announced the Ministry of Science and Health in Mainz. In addition, funding will also extend to treatments using donor sperm.

Since 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate has supported infertility treatments for childless couples through the "Assisted Reproduction" program. In cooperation with the Federal Family Ministry, married and unmarried couples have since then received a subsidy for infertility treatments. The state government also supports lesbian couples who cannot have children due to health reasons.

In the new and effective since July guidelines, it will also be clarified that Transgender and intersex persons, as well as people with diverse or no gender entry, are covered by the funding, explained Health Minister Clemens Hoch (SPD). The expansion of the funding guidelines is an important sign for the queer community.

BMG (the Federal Ministry of Health) has played a crucial role in the expansion of funding for infertility treatments in Rhineland-Palatinate, enabling couples to seek treatment at institutions in neighboring federal states if necessary. Couples who desire to have children and reside in Mainz can now benefit from this expanded funding, which also includes treatments using donor sperm. Families in Rhineland-Palatinate, including those in the city of Mainz, now have access to more comprehensive family planning options due to this development in the state's funding guidelines.

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