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Demonstration by employees of the police and judiciary

A judicial officer stands in a
A judicial officer stands in a

Demonstration by employees of the police and judiciary

Employees of the police and judiciary demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Justice in Saarbrücken on Monday for higher incomes. "Our colleagues in the public sector in Saarland need compensation for inflation after the price hikes of the last 14 months," said Ewald Linn, state chairman of the dbb Saar civil servants' association, according to a statement.

The civil servants' association had previously called for an all-day warning strike on Monday. According to dbb Saar, around 250 people attended the rally in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Unions in other federal states had also called for warning strikes ahead of the next round of negotiations in December. The unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more. The wage agreement is to run for twelve months.

The ongoing wage negotiations in December might be impacted by potential tariffs imposed on other federal states if their trade unions decide to follow through with their threat of warning strikes, similar to the one in Saarbrücken. Strike actions by trade unions, such as the dbb Saar, can cause disruptions in services, leading to concerns about the overall functioning of public services.




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