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Demonstration against Sommerfest of Young Alternative

In the Altmark, members of the far-right labeled Young Alternative meet. The summer festival is referred to as an important networking event of the scene by the Constitutional Protection Agency.

Approximately 70 people demonstrated against a far-right youth group's summer festival in the...
Approximately 70 people demonstrated against a far-right youth group's summer festival in the Altmark (Archival image)

protest - Demonstration against Sommerfest of Young Alternative

In the Altmark, around 70 people protested against a Summer Festival organized by the identified right-wing extremist group Jungen Alternative. According to the Stendal Police Department, both the Summer Festival and the counter-demonstration proceeded peacefully. Approximately 500 people attended the Summer Festival, which was held on private property. The Constitutional Protection Agency of Saxony-Anhalt describes the Summer Festival mentioned in the current Constitutional Protection Report as a "networking event of overregional significance".

The protest against the Summer Festival was a topic of discussion in local Politics, attracting attention from the Stendal community. Despite the heightened tensions, the police in Altmark ensured law and order throughout the event and the counter-demonstration. The Constitutional Protection Agency in Saxony-Anhalt closely monitors such events to prevent the spread of Extremist ideologies.

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