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Demonstrating farmers march in front of Staudte's private house

Demonstrating farmers briefly gathered with their tractors in front of the private home of Lower Saxony's Agriculture Minister Miriam Staudte (Greens) on Thursday. Neighbors had reported to her that around 30 tractors had driven in front of the house in the evening and honked their horns for...

Lower Saxony's Minister of Agriculture Miriam Staudte (Alliance 90/The Greens).
Lower Saxony's Minister of Agriculture Miriam Staudte (Alliance 90/The Greens).

Agriculture - Demonstrating farmers march in front of Staudte's private house

Demonstrating farmers briefly gathered with their tractors in front of the private home of Lower Saxony's Agriculture Minister Miriam Staudte (Greens) on Thursday. Neighbors had reported to her that around 30 tractors had driven in front of the house in the evening and honked their horns for around 15 minutes, Staudte said in Hanover on Friday. "This is of course an action in front of a private home that I cannot accept at all." Only her teenage children were at home at the time.

The police confirmed that there had been a spontaneous gathering of several farmers in the district on Thursday evening. According to a police spokesperson, three traffic circles and a bridge were initially blocked. Afterwards, a "small two-digit number of participants" drove to the minister's house and drew attention to themselves by honking their horns, the police spokesperson said.

Officers were on site to ensure security and prevent anyone from entering the property. According to the police, the protest was about criticism of cuts to agricultural diesel subsidies and the abolition of vehicle tax.

Both plans are part of the federal government's budget compromise. "I was also critical of that in the afternoon," said Staudte and therefore described the action as "doubly questionable". "I'm going to press charges for trespassing, the state security has been called in," said Staudte. Neighbors who asked questions had been insulted, and she would not let that stand under any circumstances.

Of course it is legitimate to demonstrate, even with tractors, said Staudte. But: "It is not legitimate to demonstrate in front of private homes, because this must definitely be seen as an attempt at intimidation".

Ministry PM

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