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Demand higher than supply: Game steaks from the city forest

In times of climate change, some communities are taking care of hunting in their local forests themselves - and expanding the range of game products. But there are also limits.

Agriculture - Demand higher than supply: Game steaks from the city forest

In cities such as Baden-Baden and Offenburg, consumers are increasingly interested in game meat from local forests. "The demand is higher than the supply," said Thomas Hauck, head of the Baden-Baden municipal forestry office, to the German Press Agency. Venison, i.e. meat from wild game, is not always available in stock - so ordering early is advisable.

There is also lively demand at the Offenburg technical operations, which market venison and wild boar meat, as the responsible district manager Andreas Broß reported.

Freiburg, on the other hand, with a large forest of over 50 square kilometers, does not process game itself. The effort required by the EU meat hygiene regulations is too great, said a city hall spokesperson when asked. However, whole pieces - with skin and hair - are sold to private individuals, restaurants and large regional butchers.

Wild boar from the Black Forest Game sales Baden-Baden University of Forestry Rottenburg, game sales Forestry BW on game German Animal Welfare Association on hunting Technical operations Offenburg on game sales

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