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Delivery woman attacked by dogs

Three dogs have attacked a delivery woman in Bornstedt and bitten her several times. The 35-year-old was so badly injured in the attack on Saturday on a private property in the Mansfeld-Südharz district that she required medical treatment, the police announced on Sunday. An investigation has...

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.

Mansfeld-South Harz - Delivery woman attacked by dogs

Three dogs have attacked a delivery woman in Bornstedt and bitten her several times. The 35-year-old was so badly injured in the attack on Saturday on a private property in the Mansfeld-Südharz district that she required medical treatment, the police announced on Sunday. An investigation has been launched against the dog owner for negligent bodily harm.

Read also:

  1. The delivery incident in Bornstedt, a town located in the Mansfeld-Südharz district of Saxony-Anhalt, has brought renewed attention to animal-related incidents in the area.
  2. Unfortunately, another incident involving animals occurred in the district on Sunday, as a report of criminality involving dogs was filed with the police.
  3. Bornstedt is not unfamiliar with such incidents, as the local police have been dealing with numerous accidents involving animals in this peaceful countryside district.
  4. In light of these incidents, the district of Mansfeld-Südharz, particularly its town of Bornstedt, might look into implementing stricter regulations regarding pet ownership to prevent future accidents and ensure the safety of its residents and visitors.


