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Delegation trip to China: Schrödter draws a positive conclusion

40 representatives from business, administration and politics from Schleswig-Holstein were in the Chinese partner region of Zhejiang. The Head of the State Chancellery is impressed.

According to Dirk Schrödter, Head of the State Chancellery, the trip was also about making new...
According to Dirk Schrödter, Head of the State Chancellery, the trip was also about making new personal contacts with China after the coronavirus years. (archive picture)

Trade relations - Delegation trip to China: Schrödter draws a positive conclusion

Schleswig-Holstein's Chief of State Chancellery Dirk Schröder concludes the delegation trip to China with a positive assessment. "We not only strengthened our cooperation with our partner province Zhejiang this week, but also gained valuable and good insights into technological developments," said the CDU politician. The delegation of 40 representatives from economy, administration, and politics had been in the "Middle Kingdom" for a week.

"It was particularly fascinating to see how framework conditions for innovations and innovative environments are created," explained Schröder. This is achieved through the establishment of innovation ecosystems with talent exchange and the construction of infrastructures. The high speed at which innovations are driven forward in China is "impressive."

According to Schröder's statements, the state government will continue to advocate for strengthening cooperation with the partner region Zhejiang. He emphasized: "Through the delegation trip, we intensified our good contacts and were able to establish new contacts. This was particularly important for all participants of the delegation in our partner region after the Corona pandemic without personal contacts."

No Dependency on China

Economics State Secretary Julia Carstens (CDU) had previously emphasized in the "Flensburger Tageblatt" that they were keeping a very close eye on the fact that they would not fall into dependency on China. The "Schleswig-Holstein Business Center" in Hangzhou - the capital city of the Zhejiang province - is one of the most successful country offices in China. It not only functions as a springboard for companies from the northernmost federal state that want to establish themselves in the Chinese market, but also as a contact person for Chinese companies that want to come to Schleswig-Holstein.

Carstens stated that the trading volume between Schleswig-Holstein and China in the previous year was over five billion Euros. "This corresponds to an increase in trading volume compared to the year 2013 of approximately 75 percent," so Carstens. This development alone illustrates the potential of this relationship.

  1. The CDU politician Dirk Schröder, as the Chief of State Chancellery in Schleswig-Holstein, highlighted the significance of the trade relationship with Zhejiang, China, during their recent delegation trip.
  2. The German state government, led by Schröder, intends to strengthen its international relationship with China, particularly with the partner province of Zhejiang, following the positive outcomes from the trade delegation trip to Shanghai.
  3. In conjunction with the CDU's focus on maintaining an independent economic stance, the "Schleswig-Holstein Business Center" in Hangzhou serves as a platform for promoting local businesses in the Chinese market while also attracting Chinese companies to invest in Schleswig-Holstein.
  4. The total trading volume between Schleswig-Holstein and Zhejiang, China, reached over five billion Euros in the previous year, signifying a substantial increase of 75% compared to 2013, further emphasizing the potential and importance of the ongoing trade relationship.

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