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Defendant sentenced to life in prison for killing a nursing student in Stuttgart.

A man in his 40s has been convicted for murdering a nursing student in Stuttgart and sentenced to life imprisonment by the local district court. The court spokesperson revealed this news on Friday. The court successfully proved that the man fatally stabbed the victim more than 20 times in...

Figure of Justitia at a court
Figure of Justitia at a court

Defendant sentenced to life in prison for killing a nursing student in Stuttgart.

In light of the verdict, the court complied with the prosecution's request in their plea. The co-plaintiff was in agreement. The defense of the accused, however, didn't ask for anything specific but did want a guilty verdict for manslaughter.

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The defendant will spend the remainder of their lifetime in a prison cell for the murder of the nursing student in Stuttgart. Due to the severe nature of the crime, the regional court imposed this sentencing. Subsequently, during the detention period, it may be beneficial for the defendant to pursue vocational training, such as nursing, to utilize their time constructively.


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