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Defendant in trial over dead woman in cellar dies in custody

The defendant in a trial over a dead woman found in a cellar in Rhineland-Palatinate has died in pretrial detention. The judgement against the man accused of murder was to be pronounced on Tuesday according to the Zweibrücken District Court. It was initially unclear how he died. The Zweibrücken...


Defendant in trial over dead woman in cellar dies in custody

To a 36-year-old man, murder charges were brought due to jealousy and petty motives against his Wife. According to the prosecution, the victim went into the cellar on December 4th. The man is said to have followed her and surprised her from behind, attacking her violently.

He allegedly struck her forcefully against the head with an object, causing her to fall helplessly to the ground, stated the Prosecutor's Office. Subsequently, he inflicted several cut and stab wounds on her.

The woman died at the scene from her severe facial and neck injuries. The Prosecutor's Office cited anger and jealousy as the motive. The man had previously learned of his wife's affair with another man.

The trial, which had been ongoing for approximately two months, was being conducted. In its closing argument, the Prosecutor's Office demanded life imprisonment and the acknowledgment of aggravated responsibility. In contrast, the defense called for the acquittal of the man.

The man was placed in investigation detention at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Rhineland-Palatinate. During the investigation, it was revealed that the object used to inflict the fatal injuries was found in the Two-bridge area, near the couple's residence.

Ms., the forensic pathologist, conducted the obduction, providing detailed accounts of the victim's injuries. She testified that the woman's death was caused by the violent attack and not due to any natural causes.

Despite the fierce defense arguments, the jury found the man guilty of the murder charges. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, as the Prosecutor's Office had demanded. The accused will serve his sentence in a high-security cellar in Rhineland-Palatinate.

The case gained significant media attention, with many questioning the justice system's handling of such petty motive-driven murders. The public demanded stricter penalties for such acts, leading to debates in Parliament.

After serving his sentence, the man was reported to have earned a reputation among inmates for his remorselessness and refusing to admit his guilt, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

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