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Defendant in demon trial wants to make a statement

Violence and drug use are alleged to have taken place in a cohabitation in Lower Franconia. Now it could become known what the accused himself has to say about the allegations.

The defendant is brought to the courtroom at Schweinfurt District Court with his hands and feet...
The defendant is brought to the courtroom at Schweinfurt District Court with his hands and feet shackled.

Alleged rape - Defendant in demon trial wants to make a statement

In the process of a suspected rape and alleged demon exorcism case in a larger commune in Unterfranken, the defendant intends to speak out. This was announced by a spokesperson of the Schweinfurt Regional Court on Thursday morning. However, since the defendant wishes to speak in the presence of a psychiatric expert, it may take until the next court session coming week before this is possible. Initially, it had appeared that the pleadings could already be presented on Thursday.

The man, who is considered the leader of the commune, is accused of inflicting violence on a member of his commune in the spring of 2023 in various ways - among other things, through rape, choking, biting, and hitting. The 30-year-old medical student, who was engaged to the accused at one point, is appearing as a co-plaintiff in the trial.

The defendant is not only accused of this to the 30-year-old, but to several members of his commune of being possessed by demons that needed to be exorcised. The methods used, according to statements, were sleep deprivation, drugs, and psychological manipulation. The motive for the alleged violent acts is said to have been the defendant's fear for his own son.

A psychiatric expert testified during the trial that the 42-year-old defendant had been under the influence of drugs at times and in a "delusional state," a psychosis. However, it is unclear when this began. Therefore, the defendant could be considered partially not guilty by reason of insanity.

According to their statements, around twenty people live in the commune. The aim is to support people on their way to healing and growth. In the commune's environment, there have already been several deaths, including suicides and drug overdoses. Several people have already left the commune.

  1. The commune, located in Lower Franconia, which is a part of Bavaria, Germany, has been under scrutiny due to various alleged crimes, including the use of drugs in alleged demon exorcism processes.
  2. Despite the ongoing trial in Schweinfurt, a city in Bavaria, it was revealed that the defendant's pleadings may be delayed due to his request to speak with a psychiatric expert.
  3. The cohabitants of the commune, who share a shared goal of healing and growth, have faced challenges, with reports of several deaths attributed to suicides and drug overdoses occurring within its boundaries.
  4. The accused, a resident of Schweinfurt, is under investigation for his role in the violent crimes committed against members of the commune, including drug facilitation and acts of rape.

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