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Dedication ceremony scheduled for unique memorials' foundation

A foundation will acquire and safeguard historical landmarks in Saxony, with funds provided by the state's financial reserves.

A new foundation is to purchase, renovate and restore special monuments in Saxony.
A new foundation is to purchase, renovate and restore special monuments in Saxony.

The art and way of life of a particular group of people - Dedication ceremony scheduled for unique memorials' foundation

A different organization is going to be set up in Saxony to buy, repair, and take care of unique landmarks. The Free State has allocated 2 million euros to create the "Lebendiges Erbe Sachsen" Foundation, as the Ministry for Regional Development revealed on Thursday night.

This private law foundation is going to take a different approach to keeping historic and culturally important locations from disappearing. It's going to cover anything from important buildings to technical sites to beautiful gardens and parks. The plan is also to come up with ideas to use these places at the right time. The foundation aims to fill the space between the state's palace management and various private funding foundations.

The idea to create this foundation came from the middle of the state parliament, as State Minister Thomas Schmidt (CDU) shared in ministry statements. He hopes the foundation will eventually become independent from public funding and become a key part of the cultural landscape of Saxony. The first chairperson of the foundation is going to be Landtag President Matthias Rössler.

The mission of this foundation is to acquire, fix up, and hold on to monuments and objects that are culturally, historically, regionally, or folk art significant. These things should also be available to the public so they can experience the culture and history of Saxony firsthand.

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The new foundation, named "Lebendiges Erbe Sachsen," will focus on preserving unique monuments in Saxony, such as historic buildings, technical sites, and gardens. During the dedication ceremony, several notable Saxony monuments will be included in the foundation's care, enhancing Dresden's cultural landscape and providing opportunities for public engagement.



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