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Decreasing number of potential lifeguards.

Lifeguards are essential for the operation of swimming and leisure pools. Sadly, their training numbers have been going down.

"Swimmer" is written on the edge of the pool in the Rolandsbad outdoor pool at the start of the...
"Swimmer" is written on the edge of the pool in the Rolandsbad outdoor pool at the start of the outdoor pool season.

Learning and instruction - Decreasing number of potential lifeguards.

Swimming pool safety and teaching kids how to swim are guaranteed with the dwindling number of swimming instructors in Saxony-Anhalt. The State Administration Office in Halle revealed this on Wednesday, noting that 32 trainees took part in the program this year compared to nearly 50 over the past two years. In 2020 and 2021, over 60 trainees were enrolled. One of the five vocational schools in the region provides theoretical training for this profession nationwide.

The decrease in the number of trainees can be attributed to a few factors. First, there's been an abnormally high number of trainees who had to prematurely leave the program or failed their oral examinations. Second, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fewer trainees were employed, which is now reflected in the reduced candidate count.

To become a certified swimming instructor, these aspiring professionals have already completed the practical part of the exam: dragging, clothing swimming, diving, teaching swimming, animating, and various rescue exercises. In the near future, they'll be put to the test in the final oral examinations, according to the State Administration Office.
More information about the training is available at

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