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Decreasing number of pig farmers in Brandenburg continues unabated.

Pig populations in Brandenburg have significantly decreased in recent years, according to the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office. As of March 1, 2023, the number of pig farms had dropped by 16 percent and the number of pigs held had dropped by 32 percent compared to the 2020 agricultural...

Fattening pigs can be seen in a truck for transportation to the slaughterhouse.
Fattening pigs can be seen in a truck for transportation to the slaughterhouse.

Cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock - Decreasing number of pig farmers in Brandenburg continues unabated.

As per the State Farmers' Association, this decline is a consistent trend rather than a recent development. The gap between the societal desire for ethical livestock rearing and what livestock farm owners can realistically invest in it is a contributing factor, mentioned a representative. In addition, there's an influx of low-cost pork from Spain entering the market. The African Swine Fever has also impacted Brandenburg farmers, targeting those in the eastern part of the state, making it challenging for them to sell their livestock. Other factors propelling the decline include reduced demand, insufficient workforce, and a shortfall of youth joining the industry.

Farms dedicated to producing cows, pigs, and chickens have experienced a considerable decrease in numbers. Interestingly, the number of sheep farms remained stable. At the time of the survey, 63% of all agricultural businesses in Brandenburg were engaged in livestock farming. This percentage was nearly two points higher three years prior.

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