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Decreased water levels in certain areas amidst ongoing flood concerns

Flooding conditions ease in parts of southern Germany, but remain precarious on the Lower Danube. Although water levels are gradually decreasing, the situation is still well away from being considered normal.

Flood damage in Baden-Württemberg.
Flood damage in Baden-Württemberg.

The atmospheric conditions around us are being described, typically including temperature, rainfall, and wind speed and direction. - Decreased water levels in certain areas amidst ongoing flood concerns

The struggle against the floods and their disastrous effects in South Germany goes on. On Tuesday night to Wednesday morning, authorities kept a close watch on dikes, but no major harm or breaches were detected. Despite this, the situation remains critical, particularly in eastern Bavaria, even though the water level at a few spots along the Danube has begun to decrease. The HND's Flood Information Service reported that gauges in Passau and Regensburg were at the highest alert level 4 early on Wednesday morning. Even though improvements have been observed in many locations, additional casualties are anticipated due to several individuals who are missing.

Uncertain rainfall and no warnings

The German Weather Service (DWD) anticipates more showers and thunderstorms in Bavaria on Wednesday and Thursday. While heavy rain is only predicted on the eastern Alpine fringe, there's a chance that water levels may still increase on uncovered territory. The Landratsamt Donau-Ries cautions that in addition to the five flood-related casualties, more deaths may occur. In Baden-Württemberg, minor rain showers or thunderstorms are projected on Thursday - Wednesday is expected to be generally dry.

Clean up efforts underway

Clean up activities are ongoing in Baden-Württemberg and the flood-stricken areas in Western Bavaria, even as the situation starts to resolve itself. A representative from the affected Ebersbach an der Fils cited that although things are gradually returning to normal, "We're still a long way from being back to normal." Dwellers in many regions collaborated with emergency services and volunteers to clear pathways, drain cellars, and discard damaged belongings. Containers were made available for storing flood-damaged items.

Regensburg's situation still tense

In Regensburg, residences situated along a Danube-side street were evacuated on Tuesday night because the protective walls might collapse due to swollen ground. "The bottom of the Danube islands are damp and squishy, like jelly," stated Regensburg's Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer (SPD). The situation remained worrisome until early morning. In accordance with a spokesperson for the city, the Danube gauge was above six meters - run-of-the-mill levels are 3 meters.

Emergency declared in Passau

In Passau, where the Danube, Inn, and Ilz rivers merge, a disaster situation was declared. Multiple streets and squares in the city were sealed off due to the flood. Until the early hours of Wednesday, no damage or breaks were seen at the dikes, as a spokesperson for the Niederbayern Police Presidium said. However, this can't be ruled out in the long term.

Water levels in Passau dropping slowly

According to Passau's city administration, the rivers Danube and Inn have reached their peak, and the water levels are gradually declining. The Danube gauge was nearly 9.70 meters on Tuesday night, per the HND. Regular water levels in this area are around six meters. It's anticipated that the water levels in the gauges will continue to decrease in the ensuing few hours. However, the Danube gauge will decrease more slowly.

At least five persons perished in the flooding of southern Germany. Moreover, according to the Bavarian Interior Ministry, several individuals remain missing - this group includes a 22-year-old firefighter in the Swabian town of Offingen. The rescue teams apprehend that he might have drowned. The young firefighter was patrolling with a DLRG water rescue boat from the night of Saturday to Sunday near the border with Baden-Württemberg.

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