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Decline in Multiple Births Reported in North Rhine-Westphalia

Pink and blue socks and the colorful teats lie in a crib.
Pink and blue socks and the colorful teats lie in a crib.

Numerical analysis and presentation of data. - Decline in Multiple Births Reported in North Rhine-Westphalia

Last year in North Rhine-Westphalia, there were 5,127 infants born as multiples. This is 973 less than in 2022, the authorities revealed on Friday. This means that multiple births accounted for just 3.3% of all new babies in 2023, which is a decrease from the 3.7% of 2022. 4,998 of these multiple births were twins, while 129 were triplets. No multiple births with more than three infants took place in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2023.

Announcement by the Authorities [2023-03-31]

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