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Decisive regional collective bargaining round started in Potsdam - employers' offer announced

The third and decisive round of collective bargaining for the 1.1 million employees of the federal states except Hesse began on Thursday in Potsdam. Andreas Dressel (SPD), Hamburg's Senator for Finance and Chairman of the Collective Bargaining Association of German States, was confident and...

Participant in Verdi
Participant in Verdi

Decisive regional collective bargaining round started in Potsdam - employers' offer announced

There had been no employer offer in the first two rounds of collective bargaining. The trade unions Verdi and Deutscher Beamtenbund are demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, as they did in the public sector wage round at federal and local level in the spring, but at least 500 euros more per month and a tax-free inflation adjustment of 3000 euros.

He hopes "that the employers have realized that there is enough pressure in the cauldron", said the chairman of the civil servants' association, Ulrich Silberbach, at the start of the negotiations. The level of participation in the warning strikes ahead of the third round of collective bargaining was "better than it has been for a long time", said Verdi national boss Frank Werneke. There is no argument that state employees should be paid less than federal and local government employees.

The collective bargaining round is expected to last until Saturday. No further talks have been agreed, nor has arbitration been agreed between the parties to the collective bargaining round.

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The collective bargaining round, initiated by Andreas DRESSEL as the spokesperson of the SPD, is taking place in Potsdam. This decisive round of negotiations involves the German Civil Service Association and the United Services Union.

The announced employer offer, which will be a key point of discussion, has not been revealed yet. The employer is expected to engage in collective bargaining, following the increase in pressure from the warning strikes.

Chairman of the German Civil Service Association, Ulrich Silberbach, expressed hope that the employers have recognized the growing pressure within the collective bargaining cauldron. The Verdi national boss, Frank Werneke, commended the improved participation in the warning strikes ahead of the third round.

The collective bargaining association of German states, tdl, is also involved in this critical collective bargaining round. The trade unions Verdi and Deutscher Beamtenbund are demanding a significant pay rise, along with other financial benefits, mirroring their public sector wage round demands from the spring.

Despite the anticipated conclusion on Saturday, no further talks have been scheduled, and no agreement on arbitration has been reached between the parties to the collective bargaining round. The stance of the employers in response to these financial demands will likely shape the outcome of the negotiations.




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