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Decision Regarding Altötting Wind Farm's Wind Turbines

Altötting's wind farm is an esteemed venture for the state government but faces opposition; one town has already declined the project and another referendum is imminent.

Wind turbines stand under thick rain clouds behind a forest near Aitrang in the Allgäu region.
Wind turbines stand under thick rain clouds behind a forest near Aitrang in the Allgäu region.

Other forms of energy sources - Decision Regarding Altötting Wind Farm's Wind Turbines

In the town of Marktl, located in the Altötting district, locals will vote on Sunday to decide if they want to build wind turbines on their community land. These wind turbines are part of the largest planned wind park in Bavaria. Earlier, there were plans to set up four out of 40 turbines in Altöttinger Forest on the community's land.

However, due to protests, a revised concept with fewer rotors and larger distances to residential buildings has been developed, in an attempt to avoid rejection in the Marktl community vote. In the new plan, only 27 turbines are to be installed. Bavarian Economic Minister Hubert Aiwanger of the Free Voters recently campaigned for this during a town hall meeting.

Last month, residents in the nearby town of Mehring refused to allow the construction of wind turbines. At Mehring, about ten wind turbines had been planned for their land.

The "No" from the Mehringers to the Bavarian state's ambitious project caused quite a stir and led to debates about political responsibility. Minister Aiwanger visited the region frequently. At one point, there was even heated debate within the citizens' initiative – just before a visit by Aiwanger, three members left the initiative, citing the increasing influence of far-right AfD supporters.

The proposed 40 wind turbines, with a total capacity of 288 megawatts, could theoretically provide electricity to around 150,000 homes. With the now planned 27 wind turbines, the Ministry of Economics estimates a power output of approximately 370 million kilowatt hours. This wind park is also expected to provide thousands of jobs in the Bavarian Chemical Triangle with energy.

The Marktl town council presented a citizens' initiative in February. Representatives from the "Gegenwind Altötting" citizens' initiative consented to the question, according to the municipality.

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