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Decision on direction: First round of the French parliamentary election is imminent

Voters in France are being called to the polls on Sunday for the first round of the parliamentary elections. This could pave the way for the country's first right-wing populist government since the current republic was founded. Polls recently put the right-wing populist party Rassemblement...

Macron has called an early election
Macron has called an early election

Decision on direction: First round of the French parliamentary election is imminent

Macron's hope that the French would vote differently in a national election compared to the EU-wide ballot seems unlikely to be confirmed according to the polls. The President is elected until 2027. In the event of an absolute majority of Right-wing populists in Parliament after the election, he could be forced to make Jordan Bardella, the party chief, the Prime Minister.

  1. The directional decision for the French in the Parliamentary election could potentially differ from their choices in the upcoming European elections.
  2. According to the polls, Macron's hope for a different outcome in the national election compared to the EU-wide ballot appears to be a directional decision that might not be confirmed.
  3. If Rassemblement National manages to secure an absolute majority in the Parliamentary election, Emmanuel Macron could be compelled to make a directional decision and appoint Jordan Bardella, the party chief, as Prime Minister.
  4. The first round of the Parliamentary election in France is a critical directional decision point for the political landscape, potentially leading to a Right-wing populist majority.
  5. The directional decision made by the French in the European elections on Sunday could influence the strategic direction of France's relationship with European politics, but the outcome of the Parliamentary election on the same day could have a more substantial impact.

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