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Decision on BVB/Free Voters group status on Friday

The head of the Free Voters in the Brandenburg state parliament, Péter Vida, is expecting a decision from the state constitutional court on the group's status as a parliamentary group on Friday. "We assume that the court will make a decision on Friday," said Vida on Tuesday.

Péter Vida, Chairman of the BVB/Freie Wähler Brandenburg parliamentary group, speaks during a
Péter Vida, Chairman of the BVB/Freie Wähler Brandenburg parliamentary group, speaks during a press conference in the Brandenburg state parliament.

Parliament - Decision on BVB/Free Voters group status on Friday

The head of the Free Voters in the Brandenburg state parliament, Péter Vida, is expecting a decision from the state constitutional court on the group's status as a parliamentary group on Friday. "We assume that the court will make a decision on Friday," said Vida on Tuesday.

A spokeswoman for the Brandenburg Constitutional Court replied on Tuesday when asked about the exact timing. However, a decision would be made this year.

MP Philip Zeschmann left the BVB/Freie Wähler parliamentary group at the beginning of November and switched to the AfD parliamentary group. As a result, the four remaining MPs lost their parliamentary group status. Vida has filed an urgent appeal against this with the state constitutional court. The aim is to enforce their retention as a parliamentary group via a dispute between organs.

Read also:

  1. Should the State Constitutional Court uphold Péter Vida's urgent appeal, the Free Voters in Brandenburg's Parliament could potentially regain their group status in the State parliament.
  2. Despite the recent departure of MP Philip Zeschmann, who switched from the BVB/Free Voters to the AfD, parties like the BVB and the Free Voters are closely following the court's decision regarding the faction status in the State parliament.
  3. If the BVB/Free Voters group manages to maintain their parliamentary status, they will once again have the privilege of participating in foremost activities within the State parliament, including meetings in Potsdam.
  4. Regardless of the outcome, the decision made by the State Constitutional Court on Friday will set an important precedent for determining parliamentary group status in future cases within the German State parliament system.
  5. In the event that Vida's appeal is successful, the long-term political repercussions for Péter Vida in Brandenburg state politics and within the broader Parties landscape may significantly alter his influence and position in the political arena.


