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Dead tomcat discovered in wire trap in Weimar

A cat has been killed by a banned wire trap in Weimar. A witness reported the dead animal in the North district on Tuesday, the city announced on Wednesday. The Veterinary and Food Inspection Office (VLÜA) found the animal in the illegally set trap. Scratch marks on the floor and the...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.

Investigations - Dead tomcat discovered in wire trap in Weimar

A cat has been killed by a banned wire trap in Weimar. A witness reported the dead animal in the North district on Tuesday, the city announced on Wednesday. The Veterinary and Food Inspection Office (VLÜA) found the animal in the illegally set trap. Scratch marks on the floor and the positioning of the two-year-old cat indicated a death struggle in the trap. The police secured evidence and the exact circumstances are still being investigated.

The setting of such traps is reportedly prohibited in Germany. It is also illegal to lay out poisoned bait or to catch and kill birds. If animals pose a problem in the private sphere, anyone can obtain information from the city administration about legally compliant measures for animal control. According to the Animal Protection Act, killing vertebrates is a criminal offense. If there is suspicion of a criminal offense, as in the case of the two-year-old cat, it will be reported to the police without exception.


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