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Dead in inflatable boat accident: man missing after swimming

A 26-year-old from Baden-Württemberg goes swimming with friends in Munich's Eisbach - and disappears. A little further south, a man falls into the Isar and dies.

A rescue helicopter lands on the airfield of a clinic.
A rescue helicopter lands on the airfield of a clinic.

Boat capsizes - Dead in inflatable boat accident: man missing after swimming

Two tragic drowning incidents occurred in the Munich metropolitan area over the weekend. A man died in one, the fate of another is still uncertain.

According to police reports, a 46-year-old man fell from a raft into the Isar in Straßlach-Dingharting on Saturday afternoon during strong currents. The man fell into the water and drowned.

A 26-year-old man is missing in Munich, according to police, since he went swimming with friends in the English Garden's Eisbach on Saturday afternoon. The man from the Stuttgart region allegedly went into the water at a spot where swimming is prohibited due to danger.

The group noticed after a long time that the 26-year-old was no longer there, and they began searching - but without success. Eventually, the friends contacted the police. So far, there have been no leads regarding the whereabouts of the Baden-Württemberg resident.

Press release

The weekend in Upper Bavaria was marred by two unfortunate drowning incidents in the Munich metropolitan area. Such incidents can serve as a reminder of the importance of safety during leisure time activities.

Despite the large room and crowd at the English Garden, swimming in prohibited areas can lead to accidents, as demonstrated by the case of the missing 26-year-old man from Stuttgart. Police are still searching for him after his disappearance during a swimming session with friends.

The tragic events have raised concerns about water safety procedures in the area, with calls for better signage and enforcement of swimming regulations. Locals and tourists alike are urged to respect the rules to ensure a safer weekend in Bavaria.

Meanwhile, the authorities have reminded the public to exercise caution during their leisure time activities, particularly when swimming, and to always swim in designated and supervised areas. This is to prevent similar incidents from happening and to ensure the enjoyment of the Isar and other water bodies in the region.

In light of the recent accidents, the local police have urged the public to be vigilant and report any sightings or information relating to missing individuals to ensure safety and swift action in times of emergency.

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