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Daycare helper program extended until 2026: criticism over money

The state wants to extend the successful Kita-Helfer program until 2026, but will change the funding amounts. Some facilities will receive less money as a result. This has the opposition up in arms.

Children's coats and bags hanging in the hallway of a daycare center.
Children's coats and bags hanging in the hallway of a daycare center.

Government - Daycare helper program extended until 2026: criticism over money

The state wants to extend the so-called Kita-Helfer program until mid-2026 and at the same time change the financial support for the facilities. This is according to a letter from the Ministry of Family Affairs for the daycare providers. According to the Association of Towns and Municipalities, some facilities will receive around 200 euros less per month in future. This has led to criticism from the SPD opposition.

The letter from the ministry, which is available to the German Press Agency, states: "The state government is continuing the successful Kita-Helfer:innen program - subject to the approval of the budget legislator." However, the funding will be changed: According to the report, there is to be a fixed sum of 1500 euros from next year. Previously, there was pro rata funding with a maximum amount of 1698 euros per month.

The daycare helper program was introduced during the coronavirus pandemic. The helpers support the educational staff with everyday tasks such as implementing hygiene rules, kitchen duties or excursions and events. According to the Ministry of Family Affairs, daycare helpers are currently deployed in around 9800 daycare centers.

The Association of Towns and Municipalities informed its members together with the Ministry's letter that the facilities would now receive "almost 200 euros less per month". A spokesperson for the Ministry of Family Affairs, however, said that this could not be said across the board. If a daycare center spends less money, it could even benefit. The new funding is less bureaucratic and provides planning security until July 31, 2026.

The SPD's family policy spokesperson in the state parliament, Dennis Maelzer, on the other hand, called the new funding "disrespectful towards daycare workers." He emphasized that there is also no new funding guideline yet, meaning that many daycare helpers will have to register as unemployed from 1 January 2024 as a precaution.

"The announcement that funding will now be cut has nothing whatsoever to do with appreciation," said Maelzer: "This will lead to cuts in hours and even layoffs, because the struggling providers do not need further cost burdens."

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