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Day of mourning in Iran after attack at the grave of slain General Kassem Soleimani

Following the bomb attack near the grave of General Kassem Soleimani, who was killed in 2020, Iran is commemorating the many dead at a national day of mourning on Thursday. According to Iranian state media, two explosions occurred in the southern city of Kerman on Wednesday, just as numerous...

Day of mourning in Iran after attack at the grave of slain General Kassem Soleimani

The leadership in Tehran classified the attack as an act of terrorism and declared Thursday "a day of public mourning throughout the country". Soleimani was killed four years ago in a drone attack near Baghdad ordered by then US President Donald Trump. The general commanded the Al-Quds Brigades, the branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards responsible for foreign missions. The explosions near his grave on Wednesday occurred against a backdrop of heightened tensions in the Middle East.

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