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Dax starts with moderate gains

The DAX started the last and also shortened trading day of the year with slight gains. Support came from the US stock markets, where new highs had been reached the day before.

The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.

Stock exchange in Frankfurt - Dax starts with moderate gains

The DAX started the last and also shortened trading day of the year with slight gains. Support came from the US stock markets, where new highs had been reached the day before.

Shortly after the start of trading, the leading German index rose by 0.25 percent to 16,743.50 points, remaining close to its record high. This was reached in mid-December at just over 17,000 points. The MDax of medium-sized companies was little changed in the morning, up 0.05% to 27,078.02 points. The leading eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 rose by 0.34 percent to 4529.78 points.

With a gain of around 20 percent for the German index and 19 percent for the Eurozone leading index, both have had an eventful but also profitable year.

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