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Dax little moved below record high

The DAX hardly moved at all below its record high at the start of the week. Today, the leading German index closed 0.04 percent higher at 16,404.76 points. In the meantime, it had come within 73 points of its all-time high of 16,528.97 points, which was reached at the end of July.

The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.

Stock exchange in Frankfurt - Dax little moved below record high

The DAX hardly moved at all below its record high at the start of the week. Today, the leading German index closed 0.04 percent higher at 16,404.76 points. In the meantime, it had come within 73 points of its record high of 16,528.97 points, which was reached at the end of July.

In early trading, the MDax rose to its highest level since mid-September. Ultimately, however, the index of medium-sized companies ended trading 0.46 percent lower at 26,370.25 points.

There was no tailwind from the USA, where investors took a break after the brilliant November rally. Economic data also disappointed, with incoming orders in US industry falling more sharply than expected in October.

Read also:

  1. Despite the record high of the DAX, the exchange in Frankfurt on the Main, specifically the SDAX index of small and midcap companies, experienced a decline today, closing 0.46% lower at 11,826.67 points.
  2. The Frankfurt-based Eurostoxx 50, which represents 50 of the largest blue-chip stocks in Europe, also showed little movement, remaining almost unchanged from the previous day.
  3. Interestingly, the German MDAX index of medium-sized companies began trading at its highest level since mid-September but failed to maintain that momentum, eventually closing below its opening price.
  4. Outside of Frankfurt, Germany's largest stock exchange, other European markets did not fare well, with many indices struggling to keep up with the record highs set by the DAX.


