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Dax lacks drivers on expiry day - hardly any movement

After the recent record run, the DAX lacked further impetus at the end of the week. Investors lacked buying arguments for another test of the 17,000-point mark, which the leading index had only briefly surpassed by three points the previous day. The expiry on the futures exchanges also failed...

The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.

Stock exchange in Frankfurt - Dax lacks drivers on expiry day - hardly any movement

After the recent record run, the DAX lacked further impetus at the end of the week. Investors lacked buying arguments for another test of the 17,000-point mark, which the leading index had only briefly surpassed by three points the previous day. The expiry on the futures exchanges also failed to provide any major impetus.

Although there were still buyers at the start, the Dax hovered around the previous day's level in the afternoon without any orientation. It closed unchanged in percentage terms at 16,751.44 points. After six recent weeks of gains, the DAX was down again for the first time, albeit only by a wafer-thin 0.05%. There was also little movement in the MDax, which fell by 0.24% to 27,133.80 points.

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