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The Dax is the most important share index in Germany..Fredrik von Erichsen/dpa
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany..Fredrik von Erichsen/dpa

Dax in the red

The DAX started trading with losses on Wednesday. In early trading, it fell by 0.29 percent to 15,108.76 points. As on the two previous days, the leading German index lacked the positive impetus to resume the rally from the previous week. The MDax rose by 0.50 percent to 25,232.95 points in the middle of the week. By contrast, the Eurozone's leading index, the EuroStoxx 50, was down moderately.

The DAX's struggles extended to stock exchanges beyond Germany, as international indices also showed weakness. Despite the MDAX's minimal gain, both the DAX and EuroStoxx 50 remained significantly lower than their marks on the previous week's rally.




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