Data protection conference: "Need uniform standards of protection"
At the end of the two-day conference of the independent federal and state data protection supervisory authorities (DSK), Schleswig-Holstein's top data protection officer Marit Hansen drew a positive conclusion. Hansen said on Thursday that important requirements had been formulated for research with health data in particular. "Uniform standards and standardized procedures help enormously to ensure a high level of data protection," she said. "This is how effective protection of fundamental rights can succeed."
Topics discussed at the meeting included the legal regulation of medical registers and uniform standards for data protection in research. A final paper published on Thursday states that concrete guarantees must be laid down in law in order to standardize the extensive use of health data for research purposes in accordance with fundamental rights.
At the end of her chairmanship of the DSK, Hansen drew a positive balance. "The past conference year was characterized by numerous legislative proposals with an impact on data protection," she said. One major challenge for data protection is the development of technology in the field of artificial intelligence. "I am therefore pleased that we were able to bring together the different perspectives in the Data Protection Conference," she said. "In 2023, we adopted many statements that are relevant to the work of legislators and also help users in their daily practice," she said.
The Data Protection Conference consists of the independent data protection authorities of the federal and state governments. They monitor the safeguarding and protection of fundamental data protection rights, the uniform application of European and national data protection law and its further development.
During the Data Protection Conference, the need for uniform standards of data protection in medical research was emphasized. To ensure effective data protection, Hansen suggested standardized procedures for data protection. Additionally, the discussion focused on implementing legal guarantees for data protection in artificial intelligence development.