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Darmstadt's coaching staff is experiencing turmoil.

After a 0-4 loss against SV Elversberg, SV Darmstadt 98 and their coach, Lieberknecht, have parted ways. This decision stems from the team's poor performance and sporting decline in the second division.

- Darmstadt's coaching staff is experiencing turmoil.

Following Darmstadt 98's disappointing 0:4 loss to Elversberg and only collecting one point from their initial four league games, head coach Torsten Lieberknecht made a tough decision and stepped down from his position with the Bundesliga relegated team.

In explaining his decision, the 51-year-old stated, "I've always believed that no one is above the club, and that includes myself. I hope my resignation will help everyone move forward and pool our strengths for the upcoming challenges."

The club officially granted Loberknecht's request after extensive discussions. Darmstadt's sports director, Paul Fernie, said, "We hold Torsten in high regard and are immensely grateful for his contributions over the years. However, for SV 98's success, it's essential to have full energy and commitment towards the sporting turnaround."

Lieberknecht, who has been with the Hessians since July 1, 2021, managed 112 official matches. Despite leading the team back to the Bundesliga in 2023, they only managed 17 points in the previous season, finishing as the team with the least points and being relegated. The negative trend continued into the new season with the team sitting in the second-to-last place after their third defeat.

President Rüdiger Fritsch expressed his disappointment, saying, "Today is not a good day for SV Darmstadt 98. A dedicated individual who has greatly contributed to the club is no longer our coach."

Lieberknecht was devastated by their performance against Elversberg. Fernie praised the coach, whose responsibilities will be temporarily handed over to the existing coaching team of Darius Scholtysik and Ovid Hajou. "It's not common in professional football to foster a relationship allowing for such honest and open communication in such a challenging situation. This once again highlights Torsten's attitude and character," Fernie said.

Fritsch is optimistic about the future, believing that "in the long run, the outcomes of recent times won't be remembered but the fantastic victories Torsten brought to SV 98." However, the initial joy at the Böllenfalltor was no longer prevalent, and the heavy 0:4 loss to Elversberg on Saturday had a significant impact on Lieberknecht.

In light of their disappointing performance, Lieberknecht felt it was time for a change. "Only the coach is accountable in football, and that's me - even if I feel let down by the team today," he said after the match. Whatever the case, Lieberknecht didn't hesitate to take responsibility and step down just 24 hours later.

The change in coaching came after Darmstadt 98's struggling performance in soccer, with their recent defeat against Elversberg being a turning point. The team had only managed one point in their first four league games, leading to concerns about their future in the Bundesliga.

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